
This is my 1974 Ford F-250 named Gus. A few weeks ago me and my dad built a Ford Explorer and called it the Jurassic Fart. We built it for a trailer race demolition derby. When we got there I noticed an old dentside Ford truck on a trailer. I asked the owner if he was wrecking it that night and he claimed he wasn’t wrecking it but there would be accidents. So I sat there in the bleachers and watched that perfect truck get wrecked. It was sad to watch. But afterwards people were allowed on the track so I went out to the track where the truck stopped running and I looked at the damage. The owner came up to me and said “you want it?” I said “yea would you sell it to me?” and then he said “if you want it, take it home it’s yours.” Once I got it home I got it running right again. It needs some work but im going to fix it. The radiator is shot and the clutch linkage is shot too. But once I get it running and driving again I think I am going to dirt track race it. I eventually want to race it in the 24 hours of Lemons and/or Roadkill’s 3K hooptie challenge.
The truck has the original 360 FE and it runs really well. I named it Gus because it has a broken Custom emblem and to me the font makes the C look kinda like a G. This is a cool truck and I’m glad i ended up with it. (P.S. yes I am leaving the cheesy 16.5 on the side)