My story begins in 2007 when I lost my wife to cancer and I started raising my daughter, Jazmine alone. We became very alike since I have a passion for older cars. She would help me wrench on my cars and take road trips in them once they were fixed or upgraded. Fast forward to 2016, just before she started high school I saw an ad on craigslist in Maine for a 72 C10 and I decided to go since she had a three day weekend and I took my parents along with me, I made a road trip out of it. When she saw the truck she initially didn’t say anything, the truck hadn’t been started in 4 years I found a bad starter wire and fixed it and it started really easy with a fresh battery and gas. I took it for a test drive and my daughter then expressed her liking for the truck. I got it insured and drove the truck down home to NYC. She did a few things to it like paint the front bumper, she did the dash light conversion to LED’s by herself and helped me fix the hard line for the oil gauge. I was very proud of her and told her this was her truck and she got so excited about having an old truck. On October 24, 2016 as I was heading to work I received a call that she was in an accident, I rushed to the scene but she was in the hospital already. I got to the hospital and 45 minutes later they informed me she did not make it. She was only 13 years old. She was struck by a speeding vehicle as she crossed the street on her way to school with her friends. My life turned completely as I lost a part of me. Depression has set in but friends and family keep me on my feet and now I am trying to restore her truck little by little as I save up. I started a petition so the city can add a crossing guard. The photos are from when I first saw the truck in Maine and after she painted the bumper. I changed the license plate in her memory.